Does the database at your cPanel show 0mb? There seems to be a fix to this, an option that has been an opener to fixate problems that includes the method to configure the cPanel which has MySQL disk usage database. Enabling this from WHM or from the shell seems to be a cakewalk.

1. Run the command as mentioned below first as the beginning

# /usr/local/cpanel/bin/setupdbmap
2. Edit cPanel configuration file to get the next initiated

disk_usage_include_sqldbs=1 (you need to set it to '1' if ‘0’) in file /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
3. Run the following script as mentioned below to help it fix this.

Sometimes, when you log into cPanel, you’ll encounter some non-empty MySQL databases that keeps popping up 0mb as its size. Those databases usually displays the table and data stacks are default with 0 as the number so one has to be extra careful while trying to determine the size of the SQL file.

Command line issue fixing that seems to be a tad problem:

1) The first step would be to Log on SSH server easily.

2) You have reset the numbers or value from the configured cPanel from the starting such as 0 to 1 disk_usage_include_ in and initate that step in order to accelerate the process

# vi /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
3) Execute the database cache which gives the detailed script and that would be a final step in resolving this issue

# /scripts/update_db_cach
Steps to fix the database size issue from WHM

1) Login to WHM as an initial step.

2) Navigate to ‘Tweak Settings’ under ‘Server Configuration’.

3) Go the section of “SQL” and exactly you will encounter the calculation of disk usage in databases which has been included. You have to just turn on the section.

4) Now, tap the save and make sure the changes. Wait for the next proceedings

Sometimes we may encounter that the mysql database size as zero in cPanel. This can be fixed as follows by following these simple steps SSH to the root as the server and you can make changes in cpanel.config file

vi /var/cpanel/cpanel.config
Search for

And then make change to

If the parameter is absent, kindly add it to the last running method.

This may take few minutes to get fixed if you have a large number of users with databases trying over the same data, but once done it should be able to make us able see the database disk usage show up accurately in cPanel.

There are a few more steps that seemed to solve the issues


Execute the script as mentioned:
The process may carry out for few minutes. If more users are in the performance thenthey will seek the same problem along with the database issue. You have to check the disk usage in database at cPanel.

When you create a database, many users are unaware that there are several other items that you need to do as well to form a proper database. The new database creation process actually involves:
  • Creating a database firstly
  • Secondly Creating a database user
  • Giving your database user access to work with your database
So by following these steps one can properly make sure that the cPanel has 0MB to prevent showing up

Hope the above steps and options were useful!
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