16 Website Speed Test Tools for Analyzing Web Performance.

The Internet has become a very popular and many businesses depend on the internet via websites. The website is one of the best ways to make business worldwide. It has been cleared that at about all business has websites and growing their business all over the world. It is clear that the Website’s speed always critical factor for all business success. Means it can be said that a website with the faster loading speed will always benefit to make a business grow because of clients like speed while visiting the website. If website speed is enough faster than website will have following plus points which will gain the better result and customers.
  • Website will have top rankings on search engine
  • Low bounce rates
  • Higher rates of conversion
  • Visitors stay Long time on site
  • Best user engagement with the site.

This all reason is enough to have a better and full advantage of test tools without any cost which are available so you are able to achieve optimized performance so without spend single minute just know website performance and speed to keep your top level position for always.

As we know that Google is one of the powerful search engine which has many of updated algorithms, a search engine always wants website should be loaded in very small amount of time.

Can A Speed Test Assist You To Analyze A Website?

Yes, it is true that any speed analyzing tool is specially designed to test or analyze website speed. All the testing tools use the common ways for analyzing:
  • Checking your scripts minification
  • Find out the large extra large images result in bottlenecks
  • Testing Time to First Byte (TTFB)
  • Patch up if in any condition you have render-blocking CSS or JavaScript
  • Analyzing the total of website’s load times, sizes of the page, and # requests
  • Analyze the HTTP Headers
  • Performance measuring of your CDN (Content Delivery Network)
  • Testing the performance from geographical locations
  • Asset verifying which are loading correctly from your Content Delivery Network
  • Testing the rendering speed in different kind of browsers

Concepts Of Website Speed

Website Speed is a major part of website building and developer focus on that. First, we need to understand the Concepts of Website Speed before analyzing to speed of website. Here it is crucial to know that how tools work then you will be able to analyze better and you can perfectly optimize to your web site according to you for getting the better result. The plus point is that here not only you can analyze the correct speed and performance of your any website, but you are also able to measure Content Delivery Network performance so it can be said that is double profit.

TTFB or simply Time to First Byte

As we know the TTFB stands for Time to first byte, this is one of the measurements of the web host’s responsiveness.

Basically, we can describe this is the actual time that take your system or computer browser for starting obtaining an data or information when it has been requested to the server. Means all client and server process. Here client request for service and server provide the requested services using CDN (content delivery network). You are able to reduce the server’s load, which will assist to reduce your TTFB.

Something more about the TTFB (time to first byte) and TTLB (time to last byte)

Render-Blocking the JavaScript & CSS

Here we can understand Render means just loading, so we can consider render-blocking as it is keeping the web page loading as quickly as it can. It can be said, defer or asynchronously load blocking resources.

Render-blocking first refers to CSS and Javascript which are able to keep your web page from loading quick as it can.


As the Google recommends deferring or removing the javascript which interferes on loading time the above ontent of website pages.

Using the </body> tag, defer the javascript on other place this just the before tag.

function downloadJSAtOnloadfun() {
var element = document.createElement("script");
element.src = "defer.js";
if (window.addEventListener)
window.addEventListener("load", downloadJSAtOnloadfun, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
window.attachEvent("onload", downloadJSAtOnloadfun);
else window.onload = downloadJSAtOnloadfun;

It is also recommended that you must or you have desire to optimize website the CSS delivery for keeping it due to delays on loading time of the page. There are few right way to solve this issue:
  • Always call the CSS files properly
  • Always use less amount of CSS
  • Keep the CSS files in minimum amount
CSS can be considered as a resource of render blocking, it always should be optimized.

Resources Minification

We can understand resources minification in simple words, it means avoiding or removing the unnecessary and unused characters which is no further use from HTML, CSS, and Javascript which are not needed or required to page load, like:
  • New line characters
  • White space characters
  • Block delimiters
  • Comments
This is the few points but very crucial to speed up the loading times as process of decreasing the much of web page code which is requested to the server. There are many tools available and you are able to use any tools to decrease all the unused or unnecessary characters from CSS and JavaScript. If you want to go ahead and using WordPress so this is the better here to use a WordPress plugin which will perfectly magnify your entire website’s HTML, CSS and JavaScript for your website and play an important to give good speed for your website.

HTTP Requests

HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol; the browser fetches the data using HTTP to a server. It is all process of sending/receiving between the client server and a host server. We can understand it In general, if there are more and more of HTTP requests than your website page slower to load.

There is no need to worry about because there are kind of ways by which you are able to decrease the many of requests like:
  • Using CSS Sprites
  • Combining your Javascript and CSS files
  • Make Inline your all Javascript (When small code)
  • If working with WordPress then reducing using plugins
Website Analyze or Speed Test Tools List

It can be assumed that you are having a basic knowledge of the concepts of web performance now, and you are ready to go ahead to with these very important 16 free testing tools below to test the speed of your website for better understanding. There are different tools with different quality and algorithm. All of them is available with own perfect and unique features and different kind of ways of a good result.

Note: Now you have got a better idea and it's time to use but It is very crucial to know when you will run any of these tools, maybe DNS lookup for 1st time will be slower so always test many times and have results.

Tools Index

1. Pingdom

2. Google PageSpeed Insights

3. Speed Test of KeyCDN

4. DareBoost

5. PageScoring

6. UpTrends

7. GTmetrix

8. YSlow

9. WebPageTest

10. Varvy Pagespeed Optimization

11. PerfTool

12. Yellow Lab Tools

13. dotcom-monitor

14. Pagelocity

15. Google Chrome DevTools

16. Sucuri Load Time Tester

1. Pingdom

All the Website Speed Test Tool to assist you to analyze the website loading speed and to know how to make them faster and well optimized. It lets you know what the reason is for a web page is slow or fast. Testing tools to know exactly what is the best practices you’re not following and what is the need to do for improving the site performance. Pingdom is very famous for the good result and all the previous user of this tool are very happy by using it. Pingdom is one of the well-known and perfect website speed analyzes and test tools with the positive review of its user. It produces a report in which there is four sections. These sections include a performance with grade, analysis of page, waterfall breakdown and history. They all contain unique information and on behalf of that site can be well optimized.

The great point with Pingdom page tool for analysis offers a perfect overview with some extra additional detail or information like a size analysis, a number of requests per domain, size every domain or URL and which kind of page content had requests mostly. This all above make this testing tool different than other and this is the reason that people like most and uses it.

2. Google PageSpeed Insights

As we are talking that there are many speed test tool and all are good at their level. Here we are talking about Google PageSpeed Insights which is one of the website analysis or speed test tool which create grades for your website by analyzing your website. This tool checks the website and provides the grade according to the website optimized. Here higher number shows the perfect and better optimized to your site. It is clear that to build a website is not enough but also should be well optimized and well performance. If website grade is above 85 so website is working fine and performing well with the good speed. The good point of this tool is that PageSpeed provides you a complete report of your website for mobile and desktop versions both. If need so it will recommend to optimize your images or minify CSS. The tool assists you to know about the website and their need to optimize.

How page is able to Increase its performance using PageSpeed Insights:

Time to above-the-fold load:

Passed off time from that time a user make requests for a new individual page or page to the same time, it is rendered the above-the-fold content.

Time to load full page:

Passed off time from that time a user make requests for a any new web page at the same time the web page is completely rendered.

As talked above, it produces both desktop and mobile versions. Here a mobile version reports are including category that is name as “User Experience” which included in your website scoring. This done the checking process like a size of the tap targets (links and buttons), checking the viewport configuration and even also font sizes. Overall it can be said, this is one great tools by which you can improve your website performance.

3. KeyCDN Website Speed Test

There are many tools available and different persons use a different tool. KeyCDN Speed analyzes or Test tool is one best and famous tool among the people which is used mostly.

KeyCDN is a one of the fast and perfect website speed analyzing tool which is used to get the detailed information on how your website performs with speed. With the wide area, It offers multiple at about 14 locations to work from all over the world, and the best point is that here you are having the right option for creating your analyzing results public or private. This tool is very simple and easy to use with the perfect result and this is the reason this tool has become well-known around the globe for the positive review of the previous user.

This test show by including a waterfall breakdown, at the bottom there is preview of visual website option. You are able to easily see how kind of number of HTTP requests made, the page’s full size requested, and the taken load time. This is one of the tools that is perfect responsive and do the works great on any mobile devices.

4. DareBoost

There are many newer tools available in the market and they are becoming well known among all. Same as DareBoost testing tool is the best and one of the popular tools available in the market.

With the many different means 100 checkpoints, you can analyze your website for performance or speed with the clear report. It also produce you a performance score of 1 – 100. With this score, you are able to optimize properly and website will give the best performance. You are able to check on Chrome vs Firefox, desktop vs mobile, and five locations. This is the new tool but attracting the people because of its good result.

It offers to make a free of cost account and you are able to export your produced report into PDF and you are free to compare on your website with others so you can understand your site level and improve its performance.

It offers a very good list of detail with examples of every of the different checkpoints so it makes easy to optimize the site easily and perfect. These reports even also recommend for SEO stands for Search engine optimization, accessibility and quality of code. Be happy by using DareBoost tool and make your site perfect.

5. PageScoring:

Get the valuable detail about the loading speed of your website. PageScoring tool will analyze everything by having your URL and display a real report. PageScoring website testing tool offers a very simple to get speed and performance detail report by which you can optimize your website to get good performance.

The report shows all loading time and following which is very crucial to know:
  • Connection Time
  • Redirection Time
  • Domain lookups
  • Download Time
  • Page Size
You can resolve your website issue and you will get your site is working fine. Means overall it can be said that If you have desire for searching for a simple, easy website performance and speed testing tool so you have got the right one. So without wasting time just try and see the result.

6. Uptrends

Delivering the best experience to your users with the website is only depend on your website optimization.

Slow or page-load times affect your user to come again. If you want to give a good experience to your user so now don't worry because you have a well-reputed tool available in the market. With the Free registration on the Uptrends Website for Speed Test of your website make you enable to check your site performance, you are free to check the performance of any web pages.

Here you need to enter a website domain or URL, you need to select any of one from 35 checkpoints and enter ‘Start’ to go further. Here the process is starting to check the performance and you are are going to get the report.

Uptrends high-tech website performance monitoring way and display the report is a unique and this is the reason people attract for this tool.

Uptrends report is divided into two different sections including domain groups and waterfall breakdown. The groups of domain which offers the best way which categorizes resource into other source: first party, statistics, social, CDN.

7. GTmetrix

In the era of technology, website speed is one of the most crucial parts of any website.

Every site owner and page visitor want to speed up on site while visiting but sometimes user very disappoint with slow speed. In this case, GTmetrix can play a crucial role in the website and every website must be well optimized using the website testing tool like GTmetrix. It produces a great report of detail because it test or analyze both YSlow and PageSpeed metrics. Both the detail is very important for the website to be optimized. It also assigns your website a performance grade from F to A. It makes accurate measuring of site speed and produces an accurate report. These reports or complete detail are divided in five sections and these sections are YSlow, PageSpeed, video, waterfall breakdown, and history. By having this five section all the points will be very clear and website can be optimized well. GTMetrix effectively assists to improve a website’s speed. GTmetrix gives a great idea with the perfect report on how well your site loads and how to optimize it.

You are free to make a registration without any cost and you are able to test your website from multiple location at about seven locations. Here you can choose or select the browser, Firefox vs Chrome.

It also allows you to check and do the compare website speed and performance on kind of connection such as dial-up vs Cable and you can be seen its affects on your web page loads.

It provides a good feature in form of video playback for analyzing the website and also have the capability to run an Adblock plus. You can check affect on the loading speed of your website by ads disabled.

8. YSlow

YSlow testing tool allows you to analyze web pages and know why they're slow and by knowing the actual reason you will have a good report of detail by which you can easily optimize it. As we know that YSlow is one of the open source tool or can say a project that checks website pages and assists you to know why websites are slow or not performing well. YSlow works in three different steps to obtain its speed or performance test information or results for making your website faster.

YSlow works with the great strategy and it crawl the DOM for finding all the components like scripts, image etc.. It is well known for the long time and its popularity because of it's a good result from the first day. YSlow has the different data and gives a performance grade for each and every rule. YSlow gets detail about each component size.

It has 23 unique rules by which check website against to performance grade it, Here a good point; you could use the YSlow chrome extension which is free to get the results by GTMetrix. Just go one step ahead and give wing to your website by using YSlow testing tool.

9. WebPageTest

With this tool website, speed can be tested from multiple locations around the globe. With the free registration, it allows you to check your website and get the perfect report for the optimizing your site for better performance. WebPageTest tool is same as some of other tools which are mentioned above but it has the biggest point because you can check over many location at about 40 locations and over many at about 25 browsers. This point makes unique from other tool and you get the perfect result.

It also assigns your website a performance grade from F to A depend on performance or speed tests like as compression, caching, FTTB, effective and perfect use of content delivery network (CDN) etc. These reports are divided into number of section or we can say six different sections include details, content breakdown, performance review, screenshots, and summary. It has a unique method or approach to the test and offers you to check.

WebPageTest has many other features which are very crucial such as disabling or deactive Javascript, avoiding SSL certificates, spoofing user agent strings and, video capture. With the good features, this has become well known among all and all the previous users are happy by providing the positive review.

10. Varvy Pagespeed Optimization

Make your pages faster by using the good testing tool will always realize you that you are at the right place by having the good result. Common page speed issues occur much time with at most all website and sometimes performance is down so in this situation Pagespeed play a crucial role and give the perfect solutions which are discussed below.

First, you need to find out what is the reason by which your site is down with page speed tool and you will get the right way to optimize it.

This is one of the good Optimizing tool as available in the market and developed by Patrick Sexton. It makes you easy to analyze your website and optimize on the basis of the report. These reports are always divided into five sections and the sections are CSS delivery, found of speed issues of page, javascript usage, resource diagram and the services used. Graphical representation makes you more clear to optimize the website. Varvy Pagespeed Optimization tool focuses on the graphically representation for report to optimize the website.

This tool including documentation for the ahead optimizes your website so this is the good point with this tool.

11. PerfTool

Like other PerfTool is an open source tool for checking the performance of website at client side which is hosted on the Github. Get the best tools for analyzing website will cause the growth of any business. It collects much detail about website or site pages and produces an easy and perfect report. This report is very easy to understand and by seeing you can easily optimize your website for getting good performance. It contains 3 kind of data sources only in single report devperf, PageSpeed Insights, and W3CJS. It provides you over multiple performance indicators. Have a wise decision and just go with PerfTool which has become demanding in people.

One of the biggest advantages of this PerfTool is one of the tool by which you are able to run multiple web pages check at the same moment for Google PageSpeed detail or report and this is the reason for becoming very popular of this tool. Compare the performance of website results or information from previous analysis tests. Overall it can be said this is the best way to save your much of time.

12. Yellow Lab Tools

Yellow Lab Tools is one of the best Online testing tools to assist speeding up your website and it is the free and open source. This tools becoming popular because of a good result. This is a new in the market for web performance and front-end quality testing. The good result makes you enable to test your site.

With unique and perfect features which you have never seen in any other tools like a JavaScript interactions while Web page loading and other issue of code validation. This tool provides you a lot of detail with clear instruction.

Report contains a global performance score according on the following.
  • Requests
  • Page weight
  • Bad Javascript
  • DOM
  • Server Config
  • Bad CSS
This is newer but the result is perfect and easy to optimize the site. You can see exactly how DOM do interacts while the web page loading In JavaScript timeline. So have the wise decision and go ahead with this tool to optimize your site perfectly.

13. dotcom-monitor

If you are going to test your website speeds so you have taken a right decision because the good performance of your website will always grow your business. You can check in real browsers from multiple at about 23 locations.

dotcom-monitor unique feature makes you enable to run or test all kind of geographical tests or analysis simultaneously for getting the perfect report. A much of time can be saved by using this tool, here you need to check them individually with each area. You are able to check each and every waterfall breakdown and individual report.

The reports of dotcom-monitor are divided in 5 sections including a performance, waterfall breakdown, host, summary, and errors.

It is very crucial to check your website's speed on a daily basis. Good speed of website always increases ranking in search engines.

14. Pagelocity

Some time may be a question in your mind that "is website ready for customers"? And you can get the right answer by using website testing tool like Pagelocity.

The Pagelocity tool which offers a unique way for speed test for website which performs a quick analysis and produces report. It provides you a score from 1-100, by having the factors like SEO, social, resources. With the best offers which have the ability to track your all competitors and this makes this tool unique. Best tool will also produce the best result in any condition. Pagelocity tool allows you to make signup free of cost account to have benefits from the most additional features.

It has become popular with the many features and one of the views of code is unique as show you. if your website is working or running over HTTPS, and what is your TTFB is.

One of the quite interesting resources view by which you are able to see quickly what is the reason which is making your total weight of page and increasing the web page loading time. Optimize properly and prevent your all visitors from leaving your site and just improve the overall good user experience. By using the right tool, you can make your visitors/customers happy.

15. Google Chrome DevTools

Chrome Developer Tools or simply DevTools are debugging tools which are built into Google Chrome. This is one of the well-known tools which provide deep access into the internals of the browser and their web application. Use the DevTools to efficiently track down layout issues, get insights for code optimization and set JavaScript breakpoints.

This is simple and you are totally free to launch quickly any time in Chrome browser by using these some shortcut keys.

Mac: Cmd + Opt + I

Windows: F12 or also Ctrl + Shift + I

Unique and latest and perfect developer updated tools, It has been added an information panel into waterfall timeline. You can see the detail and can easily understand for any issue occurs in your website and you can easily solve it. You can be easily seen what is actual costing you mostly of the moment, and you are able with domains to break it down, sub-domains etc. If you need to run on this you must click on “Timeline” panel and press Ctrl + R for refreshing the web page. Now you click on the “Summary” panel and “Aggregated” details panel. As we have talked this is inbuilt so it is very easy to access by anyone.

In the chrome developer tools, you are able to also see the DOM blocking and can get how to solve it, here you could see actually the time of DOMContentLoaded. IF you need to run it so click on the “Network” panel and go with the option “Show Overview” and her you need to press Ctrl + R for refreshing the web page.

Here you can see two line, first, a line of blue color which shows for DOMContentLoaded and second, a red color line for showing load time.

16. Sucuri Load Time Tester

The common question which occurs much time is "How fast is your site" or "What is the performance and speed of your website"? With the Sucuri Load Time Tester, you can analyze the performance of any of your sites from all over the world.

As another testing tool, this tool also provides the best way to check the speed or performance of your websites from all over the world. It produces a perfect performance and speed grade, and the grade will be from an A to F.

Tool analyzes your site for every page to load completely and measures it. Time to first byte provide you the actual time to take to the content sent the back to web browser to begin the processing web page. Having the right tool will give you the right result to optimize your site at the right direction.

We have discussed 16 Website Speed Test Tools for Analyzing Web Performance and this is very important for any website. They all are perfect tool with their own feature and result. You may use any of them according to your need and optimize your website. As we know that optimization of the website is very important and with the good performance you cannot provide good service to customers. The user always like well performed and good loading time website. Hope you have got a good idea about all those testing tools and this article will assist you to choose according to you. If you need to analyze your website so just go one step ahead and use any of them to make your site faster because you have got good knowledge about all above tools. Overall it can be said, you are going to optimize your site by using these tools and really you are going to get good result for your website.
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