If you are getting the error while accessing the database from cPanel then don’t you worry. It seems like your MySQL server is not working properly, you can also solve this issue by yourself easily. To solve this issue it is must to have access of server/WHM panel or if you are on shared server then you have to contact your hosting provider regarding the issue.

You can solve this issue but only if you are server admin. Lets see how to solve following error “The MySQL server is currently offline”.

1. First check MySQL is working properly or not and if not you can restart the services with following command:

Restart Mysql
2. In second step you have to change the MySql password from WHM. For that:
  • Login to WHM.
  • Click on “MySql Root Password” under SQL services.
  • Here you can change the password.
3. Now check for the error, but if error is not resolved then you have to use below commands:
  • Login to command line via SSH access.
  • Enter the below commands:
/scripts/checkperlmodules –full –force
/scripts/upcp –force
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