Error 1044 in MariaDB: How to Fix it?

Error 1044 in MariaDB: How to Fix it?

Error 1044 in MariaDB: How to Fix it?

When accessing a database, you need proper credentials and privileges. If not, it’ll throw an error. This is the case with MariaDB. Database administrators often have to deal with the 1044 Error. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of fixing this error.

What causes the MariaDB 1044 Error?

The MariaDB 1044 Error is a privilege-related error. The applications that access the database like PHPMyAdmin, cPanel, WordPress, and command terminal need a username to access it. The privileges to access the database must have been granted to this username either by the administrator or hosting provider.

But it’s not uncommon when the permission granted are incomplete to access the MariaDB. Or in other cases, the authentication aren’t valid. This leads to Maria DB 1044 error.

All in all, here are the reasons that can cause the 1044 Error:

Use of incorrect username

One of the most common reason users get this error is because they put in the incorrect username. You need to understand that these are case sensitive. And on top of that, the administration tool often generates usernames on its own that are difficult to memorize. There are spaces, letters, symbols to remember. If you apply the wrong username, MariaDB will deny the access.

Use of incorrect password

Another common reason is with password. Just like username, password is case and letter sensitive too. Due to encryption, you’ll not be able to see the password as well. This makes it even more difficult than username for detection.

User privileges not set

Each and every user has a specific database allotted to them. The two must be linked via user privileges. When customers set up a database, they consequently create a username as well. But if they don’t realize that they need to set user privileges, then they might skip the process. In other words, the user is there but it has no privileges to access the MariaDB database. Thus, users when they try to access the database get the 1044 Error.

Fixing the MariaDB 1044 Error

Fixing the MariaDB 1044 Error is rather simple. Here are the steps involved:

First you need to check if the user actually exists. To do this, open your SSH and use the following command. This will show you the list of all available users created on the server.

select * from user;
Next, you need to check for the user privileges. Use the following command for this:

show grants for ‘username‘@’localhost’;
If you find that the username is not linked to the database, or in other words, it doesn’t have any privileges, you need to set it. Use this command for this purpose:

grant all privileges on database_name.* to username@'localhost' identified by 'password ;
Now the 1044 should get fixed for the user. Similarly, if other users are experiencing the same problem, you can check their respective privileges and set them if they aren’t present.
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