restore backup

  1. K

    How to use the command line for restoring cPanel backup?

    One demand remains always in trend to take backup when you are not having cPanel with you. Some formats won’t allow us to take backups at a time. It might lead you to restore cPanel backup using the command line. Some steps involved in moving out the content of the website, mail account, and...
  2. K

    Do you want to restore the backup file of Plesk xml.tar/ in the new Plesk server?

    You are no need to go for indirect ways since you can deal with the command-line interface or Plesk interface in direct ways. Before starting the article, it is a must for you to know all the limitations first: Where you cannot restore a backup file of Plesk xml.tar/ You can't store it...
  3. K

    How to Restore Backups in Plesk?

    Plesk is an easy-to-use WebOps platform that allows you to manage domains, web apps, emails, and database that power your website. As per stats, more than 11 million websites and 19 million mailboxes use Plesk. Just like any other web hosting solution, it allows you to take backups of your...
  4. bhawanisingh

    How to Create And Restore BackUp in Softaculous ?

    Steps to create a backup in Softaculous: In our hosting CPanel account, Softaculous app installer is coming will helps you to take backup of your applications from the web based interface. To Taka backup in Softaculous kindly follow these steps. Step 1: first log in to your...