centos server

  1. K

    Step to install Apache on Centos server

    You have to follow below steps to install Apache. First you have to install Apache with below command: # yum install httpd When your installation will complete, you have to star your Apache service as it will not automatically start. # systemctl start httpd To know the status of your Apache...
  2. K

    Steps to add IP address on Centos server

    To add IP address on CentOS server you first have to go to network configuration directory: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts Now you have to create a file ifcfg-eth0:1, but if you already have many other IP addresses then you have to add file with next increment for next IP address. Now add...
  3. K

    CentOS TMPFS and Secured TMP

    You would be known well about temporary directory such as /dev/shm, /var/tmp and /tmp which helps hackers to give a way to run their program and script. These executables are enrolled only to hack your information and takes more source from your server. /tmp has the permission in limited counts...