How to secure RDP account on Windows server?

How to secure RDP account on Windows server?

As if RDP(Remote Desktop) sessions are much more secure as they work on the encrypted network and no one can view the session by listening to the network. However, if you use an older version of RDP then there is a vulnerability method "man-in-the-middle-attack" using which allow unauthorized access over your session.

Today, we will learn to secure our RDP connection. These are the main points we will consider in this article:
1). Change RDP port:
The very first step to secure your RDP connection is to change the listening port of RDP. The default port number is 3389. You can use any other port number instead of this. It will prevent a lot from false connection requests. You can refer our article to make these changes:

2). Update RDP software:
A system is much more secure when it is updated to the latest version. It will reduce the risk to be vulnerable. You should update your RDP software at both client and server end.
The biggest benefit of using RDP is that it automatically gets updated when you update your Windows. As per our suggestion, you should make the setting of Windows update to ON.

3). Use Strong passwords:
This the most important and basic factor for any security. You must use STRONG and COMPLEX passwords for your account logins. Passwords should be consist of Alphanumeric and special symbols and should have the length of 8 characters at-least.

4). Prevent unauthorized access through Firewall:
You can prevent most of the false connections using the firewall. You can give access to your IP range only while accessing the server over RDP.
You cn do it through:
Start >> "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security" >> "Inbound Rules" >> look for "Remote Desktop connection-TcpIn" >> Right click "Properties" >> click on "Scope" >> put your IP range here in allow access.
5). Limit users who can log in using Remote Desktop:
By default, all users having Administrator right can log into Remote Desktop. If you have more than one user with Administrator rights and you want to give access to some specific only then you can limit them using Local Security Policy.
Start >> "Administrative Tools" >> "Local Security policy" >> under Local policies >> "User Rights Assignment" >> "Allow logon through terminal Services" OR "Allow logon through remote desktop services" >> change the settings here.
6). Set account lockout policy:
You can also set account lockout policy for the user who attempts wrong credentials for some time. You can lock an account for a period of time after a number of incorrect guesses.
This is also called "Brute Force Attack". You can set account Lockout Policy through:
Start >> Administrative Tools >> Local Security Policy >> Under Account Policies >> Account Lockout Policies, set values for all three options. 3 invalid attempts with 3-minute lockout durations are reasonable choices.
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