How to fix TLS/SSL Joomla Encryption?

How to fix TLS/SSL Joomla Encryption?

Joomla is one of the best sources of a content management system that gives immediate solutions to your problem. Joomla is built-in with PHP language and the framework used here is MVC (Model View Controller). It creates a bond between the administrator and the visitor by delivering content with the help of database connectivity.

Joomla gives you more security and comes with the immediate solution forever. Your part is also important here! Fix your role in securing the website along with the joint hand of Joomla. Activate HTTP, install SSL to protect the website from hackers. To do this action full performance, make sure that you have an SSL certificate with validity and IP address associated with the SSL certificate.

Step 1: Generate code CSR to install an SSL certificate. From the account of hosting, go to the cPanel section “Security”. Select SSL/TLS Manager and then do click on private keys. Your private keys are used to delete, view, upload and generate.

Step 2: Take the private key and then go to SSL/TLS Manager and tap on the CSR page. You can delete, upload, view and generate SSL signing requests. You can generate a CSR code here.

Step 3: Use the generated CSR code to get a new SSL certificate. To the given email address, you will get the authentication mail. After verification, you will get an SSL certificate in the format of

Step 4:
Start installing the SSL certificate on the server. To do these go to SSL/TLS Manager and then select install and manage SSL.

Do domain select and copy-paste code into their respective fields. In the field of CA bundle, intermediate.crt and tap on the button “Install” for installing SSL certificate. Based on the configuration of the server, your installation may get vary.

Step 5: After installation, take care of other settings in Joomla. The first step is to do configuration on the feature “Force SSL”. This helps to activate the installed SSL certificate without any interruption.

Step 6: Now, in the Joomla dashboard go to the system and then select Global Configuration. You will get displayed with the new window to tap on the button “Server”.

By clicking this server button, you will see the reflection on force SSL.

You can see three types of Force SSL as none, administrator only and entire site.
  • None: Tap on this to stop the activation of Force SSL.
  • Administrator only: Website administrator is allowed to work in HTTPS.
  • Entire Site: Get everything inside the website.
We recommend you select the feature “Entire Site” which helps to install a certificate of SSL. Click on the button “Save and Close”.

Step 7: To make configuration on the file .php, use credentials for login to cPanel. Go to the folder “Your website”. This folder consists of the file called “Configuration.php” to configure the PHP file.

Use the below-mentioned command line to identify the line

public $live_site ='';
public $live_site = '';
Step 8: Start editing the file .htaccess and locate it to the requirement.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} OFF
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}
Add the above-mentioned code in the .htaccess file. It helps to make easy HTTPS activation in Joomla.

Step 9: Open the Joomla for configuration confirmation.

These 9 steps are simple to follow and so, implementation is easy to take. By following these steps we are sure that the encryption is perfect.
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