From the domain of root/apex, the CNAME record is used by Cloudflare CNAME Flattening. It helps to keep on increasing the CNAME resolution speed.

What is Cloudflare CNAME Flattening?

To find out the points in CNAME, we need to have an IP address in hand. To figure out the IP address, CNAME Flattening is used by Cloudflare. It may loop again and again because the CNAME points may look into another CNAME. With the IP address, Cloudflare returns again just by increasing the resolution of DNS up to 30%. A simple domain won’t have a DNS record and a CNAME record in different ways. Maybe! It may have the same name as the DNS specifications. Sometimes, we were in a position to choose CNAME and DNS records for the root domain. As the result, for mail delivery, the MX record is chosen!

I hope, you won’t get the issue with email delivery. You have CNAME Flattening now, along with the CNAME chain to use mail delivery by AAA or A record. Cache the CNAME response and consider DNS TTLs. CNAME Flattening works even if Cloudflare has a grey cloud.

CNAME Flattening set up:

Root domain:
When you use the CNAME record, automatically your plans will shift to enable CNAME Flattening.

CNAME Records: If you going to use Flattening CNAME records, you have the option to use paid ones.

Step 1: Go to the dashboard of Cloudflare and select “Account & domain”

Step 2: Move on to DNS

Step 3: Choose Flatten all CNAME

Do you want to make changes in CNAME Flattening settings?

You cannot turn off the CNAME Flattening. The default setup in domains is available in the root domain only by using CNAME records. Look at other plans like enterprise, business, and Pro to apply CNAME Flattening.

From the menu of the CNAME Flattening domain, choose “Flatten all CNAME” in the dashboard of Cloudflare.

Tough to margin out the solution but if you find out it's easiest to sort it out in a different manner.
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