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  1. J

    How to change default SSH Port

    The Linux server’s user can easily change the SSH port to other default port for secure server. You can change the SSH port follow the following steps Step 1: Again Configure the SSHD: For change the ssh port login as root into server via using the following command ssh root@hostname/IP you...
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    How to check cPanel license - verify cpanel

    The best web hosting cPanel is WHM/cPanel that is paid. Installing WHM/cPanel is very simple. You can use it for 15 days as a trial version. So if you want to purchase the license of it for specific IP address of server. For checking the details about license of your WHM/ cPanel use the given...
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    How to configure and install rootkit hunter

    Rootkit hunter: Rkhunter [rootkit hunter] is a security tool that is based on Linux/Unix system. Rkhunter is an open source scanner that is used to scan rootkit, backdoors and utilize other program on your system. rootkit hunter is also scans the suspicious string ,wrong permission set on...
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    How to install and Configure CSF Firewall

    ConfigServer Firewall: When we are thinking about security of server than our mind is quickly click on firewall because firewall is powerful and best way to provide security of servers. when a firewall is configured well than it can protecting your server in best way from Brute force, DDOS and...
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    How to delete or clear e-mail for default cPanel E-mail Account

    All misdirected spam mails are sent in default account and we don’t know when it is full. All mails are stored in default account is available in mail folder in your hosting account. The directories ‘new’ or ‘cur’ is responsible for default account. You can find both directories in...
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    How to install and scan using Configuration Exploit Scanner

    Configuration Exploit Scanner [CXS]: ConfigServer exploit is a new tool that performs active scanning of files that are uploaded to the server. You can perform the active scanning on the text files. Active scanning is applied on all modified files within user accounts using CXS. We can also...
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    What is Leech protection and how to use it in cPanel

    Leech Protection: Leech protect is a standard security mechanism in cPanel. In case, a user is publically posted username or password in restricted area of your website and a threat is occurred in your website so, leech protect provide a feature to restrict that user from website by doing same...
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    What is IPTables and define its structure?

    IPTables: iptables is a firewall system that is based on rules. Mostly iptables firewall is preinstalled in linux system. It is pre installed in Unix system that is controlling the outgoing and incoming packets. By default it runs without any rules you can edit, add, and create own rules...
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    What is phpinfo(); ?

    Phpinfo() : Phpinfo() function contains the information about configuration setting and availability of variables on the system. The phpinfo() function also contains the information about state of PHP that includes: · Extensions and PHP compilations · Server information · Upgraded PHP...
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    How to check php modules with phpinfo

    When PHP modules are unable to load your PHP application then first you find that PHP modules are available or not in your PHP application. To check the PHP modules information with the help of PHP info file. Phpinfo File: Phpinfo file contains the information about PHP environment for your...
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    OpenVZ Commands and Usages

    OpenVZ: OpenVZ is open source software. It is an operating system that is used container based virtualization technology for Linux. OpenVZ develop multiple isolated and secure linux containers on single server. This container executes as a stand alone server. These containers rebooted...
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    How to Install and configure APF (Advance Policy Firewall)?

    APF: APF stands for Advance Policy Firewall is an application for protecting server. Many other firewall applications are available for protecting server in linux that is CSF [Config server firewall]. APF is firewall system that is based on netfilter. APF designed according to latest internet...
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    what is rsync command and how to transfer files via rsync on linux system

    Define rsync : ‘rsync’ refers to remote sync is a command that is used to synchronizing and copying files on remotely and local machines on Unix and Linux system. ‘rsync’ command is used to copy and synchronize data on locally and remotely on Linux and Unix system via the disk, via directories...
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    What is FSCK and how to FSCK a Linux File System

    FSCK: FSCK is refers to a File System Consistency Check that is used to check consistency of a file system in operating system like Linux or Unix. The fsck provides utility to work on data structure directly that is stored in disk. This data structure is virtually available for implementation...
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    Install ionCube loader on cPanel Server

    What is IonCube loader: IonCube is php extensions that encode and secure the PHP encoded files at runtime. IonCube loader is utility to handles the execution and reading encoded file at run time. IonCube loader is encrypted or decrypts files that help to speeding up the pages that are served...
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    What is The XCache – how to install Xcache from source code

    When you have the optimum resource controlling tendency and enough power to program the server control, it all is sieved through the propensity of the language efficiency to have shown its effect in the implementation in its results. So what better a situation could be if its fineness could be...