What is CHMOD? How to set permissions on files in Linux ?

What is CHMOD? How to set permissions on files in Linux ?

What is CHMOD command :

CHMOD command is used to change file permission in Linux systems. There are three types of permissions you can set on file, which are given below :

Read – This permission allows a user to only read the file. Generally, read permission is used for public views.
Write – Write permission not just allow read/view a file but also access to edit it.
Execute – It allows to read, edit and do execution on the data.

Now with these permissions, set of users are also attached. There are 3 types of users in File Permission.

Owner – It indicates the person who owns that given file.
Group – A group of people who have their privilege on a given file is labeled a Group.
Others – Others inclused the public. Any person in the world is counted as public.

CHMOD command syntax :
chmod -R 755 path/of/the/directory/
here, numbers are noted as :
No permission = 0
Execute = 1
Write = 2
Write and Execute = 3
Read = 4
Read and Execute = 5
Read and Write = 6
Read, Write, and Execute = 7
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