Want Your Blog Users to Moderate Comments? Here’s How to Do it in WordPress

Want Your Blog Users to Moderate Comments? Here’s How to Do it in WordPress

To keep the comment section clean and moderate the comments, usually WordPress blog owners assign moderators. This can be authors or editors who have access to the backend. But if you’re running a big website which attracts hundreds of comments on some posts, things are different. Reviewing each single comment for appropriateness is a big ask.

In such cases, you can enable users to moderate the comment themselves. For this, they need to be an active commentator on your WP website or be part of customer support team. In this article, learn how you allow blog users to moderate the comment section in WordPress.

Step‐by‐Step Process

To allow users to moderate the comment section, you’d have to use a plugin. While there are several plugins available that have the same functionality, one of the most recommend ones is the Comment Moderation Role plugin.

It’s a completely free tool that’s designed for blog owners to handle the comment moderation. It adds the tools inside the user to help you select and manage users for comment moderation.

To get started, install and active the Comment Moderation Role plugin. Then, follow these steps:
  • Go to the WordPress dashboard
  • Navigate to Users >> All Users
  • Locate the user for which you want to change the role and click on the checkbox next to it
  • Then open the Change role to dropdown menu and select ‘WPB Comment Moderator’
  • Click on Change
Now when that user logs in to WordPress, he or she can review, delete, or update the comments left by other users. They’ll have a separate comment moderation dashboard made available to them. Also, any other critical admin-level features will be hidden from them.

Please note that the above process will work only for users who have an account and are listed in the User section. If not, you’d have to add then first.

For this, navigate to Users > Add New and fill out the user information form. For the role, enter WPB Comment Moderator. Lastly, click on the ‘Add New User’ button to add them into the user list.

So that’s how you enable blog users to moderate comments. If you face issues, kindly update the WordPress version or the plugins installed and try again.
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