Steps to Enable / Disable update now button in Awstats for users in cpanel

Steps to Enable / Disable update now button in Awstats for users in cpanel

Steps to Enable / Disable update now button in Awstats for users in cpanel

Awstats is a Fast, Open source, free web server program which is used to analyze web server log file enables to monitor Website's performance. The reports produced can be viewed in a standard web browser. When your business comes online and you can use this tool to analyze the behavior of the website. The results which are generated using these files will be understood by the professional rather than site owners. So many service providers offer log statistics, which is be like a simple chart which denotes the number of visitors to the site, downloads, hackers, spam, comments, etc. Awstats is also one of the log statistics utilities. There are many advantages in using AWStats as a web analyzer, it gives data and reports not only from the web also from emails, other sources, etc.

For users, Cpanel provide lots of updates, features which will be user-friendly, featured. The Update Now button needs some procedure to update Awstats, this is because to reduce the server load. There are three possible ways to Enable/Disable Update Now Button in Awstats. They are

Via WHM control panel

Via SSH Root Login

Via cPanel

Method 1: Via WHM control panel

Step 1: Login to the server, Use Login Password to open your root server.
Step 2: Find Stats and Logs from options like Domains, cPaddons, Display, Mail, Logging, PHP, SQL, etc
Step 3: To select Stats and Logs use the below navigation process
Go to Home > Server Configuration > Tweak settings >Stats and Logs
Step 4: Select the "Stats and Logs". There will be many options listed under it.
Step 5: Now check for "Allows users to update AWStats from cPanel" on the list and select the enable button to enable the Update Now button.

Select Disable to Disable Update Now Button.

Step 6: Save change made and save settings.

Method 2: Via Cpanel

Step 1: Login to Cpanel

Step 2: Go to File Manager in Cpanel.
Step 3: Move to Awstats folder by following this navigation
File Manager > Home > Username >tmp > awstats>Folder.
Step 4: Edit .conf file of the domain.

Step 5: In this search for the string which allows to Enable or disable Update button is AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser in that Change value from 0 to 1 to Enable. Else change from 1 to 0 to disable.
Step 6: Save the page
Step 7: Re-load the domain Awstats page.

Method 3: via SSH Root Login

Step 1: Login to the server using the root password
Step 2: #/home/Cpanel user/tmp/awstats/
This is the path which is used to open Users Awstats directory.
Step 3: Using an editor, edit "" file.
Step 4: Same like Cpanel, Change the value of AllowToUpdateStatsFromBrowser from 0 to 1 to enable and 1 to 0 to disable.
Step 5: Save by using the following command and exit the editor
esc :wq!
Step 6: To make the changes to work, you need to run the following script.
#/scripts/runweblogs username

These are the possible ways to enable or disable the Update button in Awstats for users. By using one of the processes above make sure your blogs or website is shown update now button each time you make changes.
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