Restriction of WordPress user email and usernames

Restriction of WordPress user email and usernames

Each and everyone have a unique name but when it comes to the technical world, there are no ways to create more accounts with the same name. In that case, people will use fake names to create mail IDs and also in WordPress account creation. Even if it is fake to use the name, it should have certain limitations right. It is not that much easy to play with words online!

There are restrictions on using names from official marks, trademarks, and language-based names. Some users have a habit of creating new email IDs and usernames while registering on websites. Suppose, if your customer predicts the name more similar to the sound of staff, moderators, and admins, it’s a big risk to WordPress security concerns. Also, words that are offensive and trademark portion names are not allowed.

So, better do restrictions in WordPress so that, users can’t use words from out of the box. WordPress runs behind the plugin right! Here, we are using the plugin called “Restrict Usernames Emails Characters”

This plugin helps to restrict names like domain names, symbols, and email addresses. You can even use languages such as Cyrillic, Arabic, and Latin.

Step 1: Go to section “Plugin” and type “Restrict usernames emails characters plugin”. Install and activate the plugin.

Step 2: Move on to tab “General Settings” and do plugin enable. Go to the section “Not allow these names” and then start entering the names which should be restricted.

Step 3: You also have an option in the plugin to make lowercase equal uppercase. It would be default in settings if want you can disable it.

Here, you have an option to restrict email address names too!

Again, in the section “not allow these mails” start entering the email address. You can set limitations for spaces in usernames too!

Once done, tap on the button “Save changes” and then move on to the section “Error Message”. The error message is already present in the plugin so, just choose the one which you want them to display.

If any of the users try to enter the name which has been restricted automatically, they would get the error message which you have chosen in the above section.

Hope, you understood the mission of restricting the names.
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