Plesk Error “The certificate is not trusted”

Plesk Error “The certificate is not trusted”

Sometimes, owners of dedicated servers or VPS used to get an error in the Plesk panel often as “the certificate is not trusted”. It’s all because of the certificate called “Self-signed” which is known as a CA certificate but not authentically received from the authority recognized well.

Let us try be fixing this error using two methods such as:
  1. The user will be using the browser right! We must configure those browsers for accepting the certificate like un-trusted.
  2. Prefer using certificate CA authentic.
Get an exception rule for accessing certificates like an untrusted one. Might be very risky! But have to intake those risk for getting into a neutral point. Using On-demand Server Administration services, you can help owners of the server to get rid of database error and mail etc.

Customer must handle unsafe techniques: If the user gets a certificate warning, service providers will advise them to neglect it without hesitation. Sometimes, it might be a very dangerous and open way to hackers also. From the user’s point of view, service providers are learning unsafe techniques.

The poor face of the company: Greenlight of HTTPS is running everywhere. In case, if the hosting provider doesn’t have the capacity to enhance their safety using lights of green then how about customer’s safety. There is a question mark right!

Free cost of CA certificate: CA certificates are more in cost in the last few years. Now, it's very easy to get a free cost CA certificate from Let’s encrypt. Of course! It’s a trusted certificate all over the world!

Instead of choosing a self-signed certificate, it’s better to use a Let’s Encrypt certificate. No need to run beyond a dangerous place!The extension used in Let’s encrypt is the same as that of Plesk servers.

Here’s a step to install the Let’s Encrypt certificate:
  • Extension of Let’s encrypt installation:
Step 1: Using the repository of Let’s encrypt, kindly download the zip file.

Step 2: Use Server Management to upload the zip file. Choose the extension menu to add new extensions.
  • Let’s encrypt certificate enable:
Step 1: Go to Tools & Settings to add the administrator email ID. Select the security and then SSL/TLS certificate for using Let’s encrypt.

Step 2: Tap on the install button. It helps to generate a new certificate and sent it to the Plesk interface.
  • Mail server secure:
In the last step, you will be securing the interface of the Plesk administrator. Whenever you use the mail service, you may get certificate warnings. It is a must to secure using the certificate same for mail services.

Go to the certificate for securing mail to select the Let’s Encrypt certificate. By now, mail services and Plesk are secured with certificate CA.

Don’t worry about the consumption of Let’s Encrypt certificate penny! It’s just a usage of cost which protects your mail service and Plesk together.
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