How To Use Cookie-Free Domains ?

How To Use Cookie-Free Domains ?

HTTP cookies: http cookies are data which are sent by websites and this data will store in your browser. When user view their website the use cookies to watch them. Cookies are basically a pertaining data of your website. Cookies are so useful and valuable .each time when user browse there site then cookies will be generated and its helps to browse your site faster. When we search the website in browser then browser sent cookies to website server and provides the last information of site to us. There are three most useful uses of cookies are:

  • Personalization
  • Session management
  • Tracking

Why we Use Cookie Free Domains? :

Cookies are so useful in some conditions like cookies develop us static content and hinder performance. When browser request for asset which is static like CSS files or images then we don’t required to sent request to server for that. Cookies only create additional network traffic and just because all the files are static so server has no use of these added cookies.

Most of people use cookies from domain because it will separate the all content that doesn’t require. It will help you to improve your website performance. It will avoid unneeded traffic of network.

How to use Cookie Free Domains and CDNs:

You can use CDN to deliver static assets. With the use of CDN you can use cookie free domain and you build a Pull Zone and retrieved the zone URL also. You can also integrate this in your choose Framework or CMS.

Basically KeyCDN give you the facility of ignore cookies. It will completely prevent the Set-Cookie response header

Using closest CDN edge server you can easily delivered the static content and cookies are automatically stripped and no additional cookie latency. It’s one of the easy ways to configure or move your website. This feature can serve static assets from sub domain With CDN you can easily deliver the content.
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