How to upgrade OpenSSH on CentOS

How to upgrade OpenSSH on CentOS


OpenSSH is a Unix based command protocol in order to have access to a remote machine. While using telnet, ftp, or login your passwords are delivered in unencrypted form across the net. But OpenSSH not only encrypts the passwords but also provides the secure authentication ways. Due to this problem of connection hacking and other security risks are reduced. OpenSSH is not a single program but actually is a package of programs which replaces ftp and rlogin applications with SSH programs. Encryption and authentication given by SSH increases the security to a peek limit. That is because it replaces telnet and ftp programs with secured SSH programs effectively. It forwards the TCP ports over a safe tunnel that permits the TCP on server side and on client side to be attached with SSH tunnel. SSH may authorize users by specific ways which was supported by SSH protocol. Ssh is very useful in cloud computing to avoid connection problems and also for secure file transfer.

Advantages Of OpenSSH:

It contains two kinds of configuration files. One for the server client and other for the sshd. Client transfers his access information to server using powerful 128-bit encryption.

1. Ssh provides the facilities of port forwarding.

2. Gives secure authentication

3. Server support in ssh1 and SSH2 protocols.

4. Agent forwarding.

Upgrading OpenSSH on CentOS:

While upgrading OpenSSH to a newer version you should back up of your ssh configuration files which are under /etc/ssh and also pam files /etc/pam.d/sshd to avoid any bad experience.

Now download the OpenSSH source.

Step 1: Wget http://mirror.ace.nic/openssh/portable/openssh-5.8p1.tar.gz

Step 2: Copy the specific file.

cp. /openssh-5.8p1/contrib./redhat/openssh.spec.

Step 3: Now rebuild your rpm.

rpmbuild_bb openssh.spec.

Step 4: Now back to /user/src/redhat/rpms/<arch>, there you will find three rpm.

Step 5: Install the rpm one by one.


Step 6:
Type ‘ssh-v localhost’ to check the installed version.
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