Brief on default document:

Sometimes, the webserver often gets a request to notify the URL which doesn’t have the name for the file. Simultaneously, the webserver sends the file called default document. Whenever the user opens the website, the server shows the default document file to you. You can view the file on the home page or index page which shows in hypertext format.

Let’s list down some features of the default document:

  • Using the settings of the default document, you can configure it easily.
  • There is no restriction for using only one default document for your website. So, you can use more than one.
  • The web server displays the default document on order wise. When it gets the request, the first file will be sent to you.
  • In case if the first file doesn’t exist in the server then it shows you the second file.
Some users have doubts about configuring the default document in Plesk. We have explained you the process step by step:

Plesk gives you more advantages when comparing it with other applications. So, we recommend you to use Plesk for configuring the default document.

Step 1: The first step starts with the login. Use your credentials to log in to Plesk.

Step 2: On the left side, you can see some options listed one by one. Under the hosting services, choose the option called “Domain”.

Step 3: Domain section shows you the list of domains. Choose the domain for which you need to configure the default documents.

Step 4: Click on the domain checkbox to select it. Just scroll below to tap on IIS settings. You will be redirected to the IIS setting page now.

Step 5: Search where the word common settings located and so, you can see the option called “Default document” which shows you two choices such as disable and enable values.

Step 6: Choose to enable values to type the file name as per your wish. For example: index.stm, index.shtm, index.shtml, index.cfm, index.htm, and index.html etc.

Step 7: Type the file name and then tap on the button “apply”. Finally, click OK.

To configure the default document, the above listed 7 steps will be easier for you. Most of the technical users prefer index.html and index.php to display their filename.
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