Error "503 Service Unavailable" showing on website.

Error "503 Service Unavailable" showing on website.

The 503 service unavailable error occurs when a server is unable to handle HTTP request, it may be possible that server is temporary not able to handle the request or not available right now. This error occurs when a server is incapable of performing your request and this is the temporary condition. If you are getting this error into your browser then it means your server is too busy and not able to handle your request.

Different ways to get “503 Service Unavailable error”:

There are many ways to get the error 503 and here are some:
1. 503 Service Unavailable
2. 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable
3. Http/1.1 Service Unavailable
4. HTTP Server Error 503
5. 503 Error
6. HTTP 503
7. HTTP Error 503
8. Error 503 Service Unavailable

It is very common to get 503 errors for your website, it appears just as web pages do. You will get this error in any operating system in any browser.

What is the reason behind the error “503 service unavailable”?
If you are getting any of the above-listed error it means your server is too busy and not able to handle your request. In this condition, your website is temporary down, in our next section of the article we explain the ways to solve the problem. Let’s see how we can resolve this error.

How to resolve the problem?
503 service unavailable is a common error on websites and if your website is popular then it will happen just because of huge traffic on your website. The most common ways to solve this problem are given below:
  • General solutions:
1. Restart your device: if you are using modem or router then restart then, it might correct your problem. Sometimes DNS failure causing the issue, so if DNS is wrongly configured on your computer or router then restart of both of them may correct the issue.

2. Refresh the browser page: as we explained earlier it is a server side error but sometimes refreshing the pages might solve the problem. If the issue is temporary then sometimes refreshing the page will work.
You can refresh the page by pressing the F5 button or by clicking the refresh/reload button.
  • Ways to fix the error as an admin:
If your website is getting 503 service unavailable error then first you have to check out the resources used for the domain like CPU, RAM, Virtual memory, I/O usage, Entry Processes and more.
1. You can increase the resources for the domain to resolve the error. This is a quick solution but not a good choice at all. As it may crash your whole server if there is an attack going on that domain.

2. You have to check how this domain is making connections to the server. And optimize the application by properly closing the connections used in scripts and not to open connection if they are not in use. Also, look for the scripts how they are making connections and Cron jobs running on the server.

3. Use cache plugin to optimize the application and speed up the website if requests are made for static pages only.

4. Also, use CDN like CloudFlare for speeding up the website. Cloudflare CDN will filter the bad IP's and bots and secure your website if any attacking is going on the domain.
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