The favorite icon is said as favicon. To stand separately from other Joomla websites, you need a picture or logo isn’t it? Maybe that is your favorite icon alias “Favicon”. The URL is associated with icon 16px x 16px it’s displayed in the address bar of browser. It entirely depends on the template you choose because it must to replace or add the file favicon.ico. There are many tools online to create a file “favicon.file”.

You might have heard about the theme “rockettheme”. It doesn’t have default settings to upload the favicon. But, in themes like “Yootheme”, you have standard settings to upload the favicon. So, it's easy to create the favicon then what shows the difficulty here? Yeah! It's adding the custom favicon in Joomla!

In your root directory, there is an option to upload the favicon on the Joomla website. For example Uploading favicon in your Joomla website doesn’t take much time it just a matter of the time. It's your choice to upload using the FTP program or file manager extensions in Joomla. Let us name a few such as Profiles, eXtplorer, Simple file upload. In some cases, users have a thought like a favicon gives a display issue. Not! It may be of cache problem or browser settings. Try to open it using another browser to check favicon.

Let us see the process of creation and upload of favicon:

Step 1: Now, it's simple! Create 16px x 16px to be your favicon image. Covert the image as file “favicon.ico”

Step 2: As said, there are many tools in online using those tools it is easy to convert image as a file.

Step 3: You need to upload the favicon.ico file to your root directory. Over!

Note: You have uploaded it! Now difficulties in creation or uploading make a good move!
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