A Complete Guide to Installing MariaDB on Your VPS

A Complete Guide to Installing MariaDB on Your VPS

If you’re want to start building your application, a database is a prerequisite. Many developers opt for MariaDB because of the various benefits on offer. If you want to install MariaDB on your Virtual Private Server or Dedicated Server, then this article is for you. You can do so using the software interface in your WHM tool. The tool will also help you manage the version of MariaDB.

Before proceeding, you must ensure that you have root access for WHM. That’s because installing MariaDB needs root access. Also, take a backup of your dedicated server before making the changes.

Here are the steps involved in installing MariaDB on your VPS:
  • Log into your WHM with root privileges, I.e. as a root user.
  • Navigate into Software > MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade
  • You’ll find a list of MariaDB version options. Select the required version you wish to upgrade to and hit “Next”.
  • The system will send you warning notifications that you’re making sensitive changes to your server. Read all the warnings before proceeding. For notifications you do not understand, it’s advised to not proceed and contact your hosting provider instead.
  • Next, select if the upgrade process should or should not be interactive. If you choose it to be interactive, then you’ll be prompted to supply input throughout the process.
  • If you select not to go through the interactive process, then you’ll only get to see the output when the installation process is complete.
After the MariaDB installation process is complete, you’ll get the confirmation message. Now you have successfully installed MariaDB on your VPS or dedicated server.
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