Why we disable few PHP functions on server?


Staff member
For the security reason we always have to disable few php functions on server. This will improve security on our shared server. Here are the few disabled functions on server: exec

– passthru
– shell_exec
– system
– proc_open
– popen
– curl_exec
– curl_multi_exec
– parse_ini_file
– show_source
If you want to use disabled functions on server then you can create php.ini file in your account and then add below line in this file:

“disable_functions =” (without double quotes)
You can add this line in already created php.ini file or you can create new file.

There are few reasons to disable PHP functions:
  • First of all you have to secure your application, only disabling PHP functions will not work.
  • You can disable few PHP functions to provide more security to your website.
  • Functions like shell_exec, curl_exec should be disabled. We have to disable curl_exec because this function create a request loop which can be lock the server.