MTR is a network tool that comes with the functionality of traceroute and ping program. MTR is referred to as My Traceroute used to diagnose the network connections errors and problems. It tests the router on the path of router by limiting the number of hops as per packets and listening the response of their expiry. The MTR repeat this process continuously. For instance you can use the MTR tool when you having the problem with issue of buffering in radio. For solve this issue check the connectivity on server of radio by using the MTR tool. You have to run the MTR for 20 minutes on the server for good result.

MTR is used to solve the network issues. MTR combined the feature of ping and traceroute. MTR sends the request of ICMP to the destination like ping and listen the destination. It solves the problem related to network and provides the helpful reports related to network status. You can analysis the report with the help of MTR command. MTR solve the problem of network by sending the packets of ICMP with incremented value of TTL for finding the route from source to destination.

Install MTR:

If you want to install MTR for centOS system use the given command


$ yum install mtr

If you want to install MTR for Ubuntu and Debian system use the given command


$ sudo apt – get install mtr

Run MTR for a Domain:

MTR is worked upon different modes first is based on Text and second is based upon graphical mode. MTR works upon graphical mode by default. you can use the given command for a domain it will display result in graphical mode.


$ mtr

If you want to work on the Text mode than execute mtr with curses option. It will display the result in Text mode.


$ mtr - - curses

The above command shows the result in interactive mode. The result will show in recent Round Trip Time for a host.

Skip DNS Reverse LookUp:

It finds the hostname for every node via using the DNS Reverse lookup. If you wish to skip the DNS reverse lookup then use the option –no – dns with MTR command.


$ mtr - - no –dns

Run mtr in Report Mode:

Report mode is the better than the interactive mode because it run in a number of cycle that is 10 cycle by default. If you want to change the number of cycle use the – c option with command. The report mode is generating the statstics result.


$ mtr - - no – dns - - report

The report mode is not only give the information about path but also provide statistics durability of connection. MTR report includes the following keyword.

Lost%: it will show the loss packet on every node in the %.

Snt: it will show the number of packets that is sent.

Last: it will show the latency of packets that is last sent.

Avg: it will show the latency average of all packets.

Best: it will show the best Round Trip Time for packet.

Wrst: it will show the worst Round Trip Time for packet.

StDev: it will give the standard deviation of latencies to every host.
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