The idea to modify and insert a table in the article of Joomla

The idea to modify and insert a table in the article of Joomla

How will you usually display data? Using a table or by a list right! For a perfect display and organizing method, you should use a table. Either you can insert a table or modify the old one using the below-mentioned method:

Step 1: Use credentials to log in and then click on the tab “Content”. You can see more options such as articles, categories, featured articles, fields, field groups and media.

Step 2: In that choose the first option “Articles”. Choose the title which you want to modify or insert a new table. Or else, click on the article editor tool to edit or add any new changes.

Step 3: Tap on the “Table” and so, it displays rows and columns. You can add how many rows and columns to display data in the table.

Step 4: To add data in each cell just give a tap on it. Using table properties, you are allowed to configure settings like alignment, size and border.

Till now, you have created a table in the article of Joomla. Let’s see to modify the table that has been added to the Joomla article already!

Just tap on the already added table it shows you more features. Using those features, you can add or remove the table rows and columns.
  • First option: The first display of table properties allows changing the size and border of each cell.
  • Second option: To delete the table, just tap on the second button.
  • Third option: You may need to add a row before a particular row. In that case, kindly tap on the third button.
  • Fourth option: To add the row just after a particular row, tap on the fourth button.
  • Fifth option: To delete a row, select the row which you want to erase from the table. Tap on the fifth button to delete a row.
  • Sixth option: To insert a column just before a particular column tap on the sixth button.
  • Seventh option: To insert a column just after a particular column tap on the seventh button.
  • Eighth option: To delete a column, tap on the eighth button.
Cell Merge: For merging the table, first select the table which you need to merge. Tap on the tab “Table” and so, it displays the drop-down list. Choose “Cell” from the list and then it shows three options such as cell properties, merge cells and split cell.

Choose merge cell for merging the selected tables.

By now, you can see the cells merged into bigger ones!

Cell Splitting: The same way for splitting the cells here so, select the cells for splitting. Then click on the table tab for selecting “Cells” and then choose “Split cells”.

The cells are splitting from the merged one here!

Every cell has a unique feature to display the data! Kindly go found it here!
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