Create Landing Page With Display Suite for Your Drupal 8 Website

Create Landing Page With Display Suite for Your Drupal 8 Website

Landing pages are a core part of any online marketing campaign. They provide required information to potential customers and allows them to opt in to avail the offers. If you’ve built a website on Drupal 8, you might be wondering how to create landing pages.

Whilt it isn’t rocket science, it does require following the right steps and measures. In this article, learn how to build landing pages in Drupal 8 using the Display Suite module.

Step-by-Step Process

Here are the steps you need to follow:
  • Install Display Suite Module
The first step is to install the Display Suite module if you haven’t already. Download it from the Drupal module library and install the zip file to /admin/modules. Once installed, you can see the module at /admin/structure/ds.
  • Set up Template System for the Landing Page
In the next step, you have to set up the template system. The landing page will use this template when loading. So open the Display Suite admin panel and start creating custom templates for each Content-Type, Taxonomy terms, Groups, Orders, Profiles, Users, and Comments. For each of these entities, use the “Manage Display” option to set up the template.
  • Create View Blocks to Include Dynamic Content
There are certain functions like Panels&Blocks in Display Suite module that enable you to include Views displays in page elements.

For this, you need to start creating Views Blocks where you can embed the templates pages from Display Suite. You can go through the available blocks at /structure/views.

To create dynamic content lists, you can use tools like Custom Block Library. You can also create new Views if you need to.

Once done, you save the Views Blocks for later use. Or to use them immediately, go to template pages and include them as elements to your theme for landing pages.
  • Arrange Block Elements
Next, you need to arrange block elements. Start by reviewing the different templates and different stack configurations. Then select any of the one for each Content Type template. Lastly, arrange the CCK fields.

Choose a template for the Page content type. Then you’d be using this framework for embedding Views Blocks or as custom code in Blocks.
  • Cache the Landing Page
As a final step, you may want to use cache tools or CDN to cache your landing page. This is so that the pages load quicker.

You can use the Cloudflare CDN that comes with cPanel hosting. You can cache the landing page by keyword URL.

Start by activating the Cloudflare CDN, which is free, in cPanel. Then add your domain to the service. Go to Settings and review the options you have. You can leave most of the settings as they are, or make changes as per your requirement.

Save the changes and exit.

Now you have built a landing page for your Drupal 8 website. Start driving traffic to it and make sales faster. For more assistance, get in touch with the customer support team.
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